Nothing easier than that, yodek.
This is the language file for british english:
* navigation
$lang['en']['navi'] = array(
'Combat Simulator',
'The Battle System',
'Administrate Units',
* simulation
$lang['en']['description']['main'] = 'This The Settlers Online - Combat Simulator supports already
the new combat system and the adventures of the browser game.';
$lang['en']['keywords']['main'] = 'the settlers online, combat simulator, battle simulator, tso';
$lang['en']['subheading'] = 'battle simulator for
<a href="">
The Settlers Online
<a href="">
discuss this tool
in the forum - last update: ';
$lang['en']['link-discuss'] = '';
$lang['en']['user'] = 'Player';
$lang['en']['enemy'] = 'Bandits';
$lang['en']['num_units'] = 'Number of units';
$lang['en']['units-in-tower'] = 'Units in the tower';
$lang['en']['simulate_battle'] = 'Simulate battle';
$lang['en']['clear_input'] = 'Reset form';
$lang['en']['how-to-headline'] = 'How-to';
$lang['en']['how-to'] = 'Enter the number of your units in the simulator and the adversary and click on a "Simulate Battle".
The screen is then centered on the minimum and maximum losses.
The number of simulations can be increased up to 500 several times to repeat the same simulation.
You can reproduce the exact progress of the fight based on a sample simulation that can be found under the losses.';
$lang['en']['how-to-simulations'] = 'If you have no idea how you should attack a certain bearing on the best, enter only the number of enemy units, and you will be forwarded to previously performed simulations of other users.
You can also reach these comparison tables on following the link under the minimum and maximum losses, after you have started a simulation.';
$lang['en']['sim_info'] = 'Information to simulation';
$lang['en']['sim_info_how_often'] = 'The simulation was run ' . NUM_SIMULATIONS . ' times in a row.';
$lang['en']['sim_example'] = 'Example simulation';
$lang['en']['link_simulation_headline'] = 'Link simulation';
$lang['en']['link_simulation'] = 'Copy and paste the link to this simulation to show others.';
$lang['en']['round'] = 'Round';
$lang['en']['deficits'] = 'Minimum and maximum losses';
$lang['en']['damage'] = 'Caused damage';
$lang['en']['interim_result'] = 'Interim result';
$lang['en']['minimal_loss'] = 'Minimal loss';
$lang['en']['maximal_loss'] = 'Maximal loss';
$lang['en']['lost_resources'] = 'Consumed raw materials';
$lang['en']['survivors'] = 'Survivors';
$lang['en']['user-simulations-headline'] = 'Simulations of other users';
$lang['en']['user-simulations'] = 'Each simulation is saved, so you can';
$lang['en']['user-simulations-linktext'] = 'look at simulations of other users.';
$lang['en']['no-tower'] = 'No watchtower';
$lang['en']['tower-50'] = 'Watchtower';
$lang['en']['tower-75'] = 'Reinforced watchtower';
$lang['en']['simulations-run'] = 'The simulation was run {num} times.';
$lang['en']['hall-of-fame-explanation'] = 'Here you will find the best simulations
ever conducted for this camp. Some columns of the table can be sorted by
clicking on the column header.';
$lang['en']['value'] = 'Value';
// adventures
$lang['en']['adventure'] = 'Adventure';
$lang['en']['adventure-1'] = 'Witch of the Swamp';
$lang['en']['adventure-2'] = 'The Dark Priests';
$lang['en']['adventure-3'] = 'Horseback';
$lang['en']['adventure-4'] = 'The Dark Brotherhood';
$lang['en']['adventure-5'] = 'Secluded Experiments';
$lang['en']['adventure-6'] = 'The Nords';
$lang['en']['adventure-7'] = 'Island of the Pirates';
$lang['en']['adventure-8'] = 'Stealing from the rich';
$lang['en']['adventure-9'] = 'Traitors';
$lang['en']['adventure-10'] = 'Old Friends';
$lang['en']['adventure-11'] = 'Sons of the veldt';
$lang['en']['adventure-12'] = 'Outlaws';
$lang['en']['adventure-13'] = 'Victor the vicious';
$lang['en']['adventure-14'] = 'Mother Love';
$lang['en']['adventure-15'] = 'The Black Knights';
$lang['en']['adventure-16'] = 'Gunpowder';
$lang['en']['adventure-17'] = 'Mad Henry';
$lang['en']['adventure-18'] = 'Bandit Nest';
$lang['en']['adventure-19'] = 'Roaring Bull';
$lang['en']['adventure-20'] = 'Surprise Attack';
$lang['en']['adventure-21'] = 'Save the Christmas Feast';
* Tooltip
$lang['en']['attributes'] = 'Attributes';
$lang['en']['costs'] = 'Costs';
$lang['en']['abilities'] = 'Abilities';
* Abilities
$lang['en']['first_strike'] = 'First Strike';
$lang['en']['normal_strike'] = 'Normal Strike';
$lang['en']['last_strike'] = 'Last Strike';
$lang['en']['attacks_weakest_unit'] = 'Attacks weakest target';
$lang['en']['splash_damage'] = 'Splash damage';
* Attributes
$lang['en']['ep'] = 'Experience';
$lang['en']['min_damage'] = 'Min. damage';
$lang['en']['max_damage'] = 'Max. damage';
$lang['en']['hp'] = 'HP';
$lang['en']['hit_percentage'] = 'Hit percentage';
$lang['en']['towerbonus'] = 'Towerbonus';
* Analyser
$lang['en']['description'][0] = 'Please enter the enemy units which are located in the camp.';
$lang['en']['description'][1] = 'The tool will then try to suggest useful units.';
$lang['en']['description'][2] = 'The information for the analyzer are based on data from the Hall of Fame. They need not be ideal.';
And this is what we have in the
* headline
$lang['pl']['headline'] = 'The Settlers Online';
* navigation
$lang['pl']['navi'] = array(
'Symulator walki',
'System walki',
'Administrate Units',
* simulation
$lang['pl']['subheading'] = 'Symulator walki dla
<a href="">
Settlers Online
<a href="">
dołącz do dyskusji na forum
</a> - ostatnia aktualizacja: ';
$lang['pl']['link-discuss'] = '';
$lang['pl']['user'] = 'Gracz';
$lang['pl']['enemy'] = 'Bandyta';
$lang['pl']['num_units'] = 'Liczba jednostek';
$lang['pl']['units-in-tower'] = 'Jednostek w wieży';
$lang['pl']['simulate_battle'] = 'Symuluj Bitwę';
$lang['pl']['clear_input'] = 'Wyczyść Formularz';
$lang['pl']['how-to-headline'] = 'Instrukcja';
$lang['pl']['how-to'] = 'Ustaw w formularzu liczebność swoich jednostek i jednostek wroga, a potem kliknij "Symuluj Bitwę".
Ekran przeskoczy do panelu minimalnych i maksymalnych strat.
Liczba prób może być zwiększona aż do 500, poprzez powtórzenie tej samej symulacji.
Dokładny przebieg walki można odtworzyć na podstawie przykładowej symulacji, którą można znaleźć poniżej panelu strat.';
$lang['pl']['how-to-simulations'] = 'Jeśli nie wiesz, jak najlepiej zaatakować konkretną grupę wroga, wpisz w formularzu jedynie liczebność jednostek przeciwnika, a zostaniesz przekierowany do archiwalnych symulacji wykonanych przez innych użytkowników tego obozu bandytów.
Możesz też sprawdzić tabele z porównaniami poprzez link poniżej panelu strat, kiedy już uruchomisz własną symulację.';
$lang['pl']['user-simulations-headline'] = 'Symulacje innych użytkowników';
$lang['pl']['user-simulations'] = 'Jede Simulation wird gespeichert, daher kannst du dir';
$lang['pl']['user-simulations-linktext'] = 'Simulationen anderer Nutzer anschauen.';
$lang['pl']['value'] = 'Wartość';
$lang['pl']['adventure'] = 'Przygoda';
Have fun! 
[edit] You won't find the names of the units in the file. They are stored in the database.